See Why Korangle is best for you!
School Management made easier and more Affordable check what korangle have to offer all at low prices than in compedition.
- Core Functionalities
- Special Features
Core Functionalities
Check what functionalities we have for our software to outstand the rest of our competition.
Student Profile Management
- Add new students
- Promote students
- Excel like updation
- Mange documents
- call students directly from profile
- Generate Reports
- Create your own columns
- Add new Employees
- Give permission to employees for performing tasks
- Excel like updation
- Generate Experience Certificate.
- Generate Id Cards
Examination Management
- Schedule Exams
- Generate Hall Tickets
Update Marks, Grade
students - Download Excel Reports
- Generate Custom Designed Report Cards
Accounts Management
- Add/edit/delete transactions
- Request Expense Approval
- Give Expense Approval
- Generate Cashbook
- Generate Reports
Admission Management
- Generate Admission Forms
- Generate Auto scholar numbers
- Seperate admission fees
Online Learning
- Online Class
- Homework
- Tutorials
- Automatic Lecture Attendance
- Disciplinary Actions
- Automated SMS & Notifications
- Employeewise, Studentwise, Individual Information dispatch system
- Multilingual Information Dispatch System
- .........
Events &
- Add new events and functions
- View past and upcoming events
- Save photos from the events
- Make a note of descriptions
- Add tags
- Collect student fees
- Update student fees
- Notify fee defaulters
- Generate fee reports
- Provide fee waivers/discounts
Attendance Management
- Record student attendence
- Record employee attendence
- Generate various attendence reports
- Declare holidays
- Approve leaves
- Inbuilt maps to pinpoin exact bus stops
- Generate bus travel card
- Create and edit bus routes
- Track which students and employees use a particular bus stop
- Assign bus stops to students and employees
- Add, update and delete bus stops